Remote work cafe


No need to invest in your own infrastructure for PKI.

Tunnel quick


Easy deployment to get up and running within a few days.



Stay secure with our PCI-DSS-certified data centers and comply with regulatory standards.


Make it simple with fast implementation

Our solution is a perfect fit for organizations adopting a cloud-first strategy and is very fast to get up and running. That is perfect for organizations that may lack the in-house IT-skills for implementing their own PKI solution. With Pointsharp Secure Cloud, you can be up and running within a few days’ time.


Stay compliant and secure at all times

If your organization must comply with NIS-2 or other regulatory standards mandating a PKI implementation, Net iD-as-a-service is a perfect fit. Our solution adheres to regulatory demands and the highest security standards. Our software is European-made and hosted in two highly secure PCI-DSS certified data centers in Sweden.


Complete lifecycle management

Certificate-based security is only as good as its lifecycle management. With Net iD in Pointsharp Secure Cloud, you get a complete management tool for your e-identities in one system. That includes tracking, activation, blocking, and renewal of both certificates and tokens. Our lifecycle management tool even handles full support for managing YubiKeys.

Learn more about how to get started

To make it easy to get started with Pointsharp Secure Cloud, we have detailed the onboarding process from start to finish.

Learn more