Atmosphere Video Call

We show you how you can add a secure way for sending these types of files and emails while still using Microsoft 365 for your daily business.

Webinar YubiKey In Smartphone

Learn from our expert how to implement and manage YubiKeys. Simplify the user experience for both your end-user and your IT department.

Yubikey Computer Fingerprint Biometric

One of our most popular solutions is to add certificate-based logins. In this webinar, we will show you how that works.

Atmosphere Mobile

In this webinar we go through the different ways you can secure mobile email and how to do it on your user’s premises.

Smartcard Computer

Learn how you can secure all your devices with the help of YubiKeys, smart cards etc. without the need of investing in expensive infrastructure.

Banner Event

Learn from our experts how to empower your users with a user-friendly solution to transfer large and sensitive files to external parties with Cryptshare by Pointsharp.

Europe Atmosphere

The need for a higher level of cybersecurity across the European Union is a pressing matter that has led up to NIS2. The Network and Informations Systems Directive aims to bring organizations within the Union to adopt better security measures, risk management, and risk awareness. This affects organizations identified as essential or critical, but also their business partners and supply chain.

Atmosphere Cafe

In this webinar you will learn what is important in lifecycle management and how to keep track of tokens and certificates in a smart and time saving way.

Atmosphere Working From Home

We’ll have a look how Pointsharp can help you save time by securing access to both applications and devices with self-service in mind.

MFA Product

In this webinar, we show you how to secure both access and synchronization of data for your on-premises Exchange server.

Pointsharp Cryptshare Webapp Phone

Cryptshare is a solution for securing file transfers and email in a smart and user-friendly way.

Atmosphere Event

Learn how to make your organization even more secure without passwords!

Atmosphere Remote Work

Our experts take you through the foundations of what going passwordless means, how to do it, and what to think about.