PRESS RELEASE - Stockholm, 22nd of June, 2021

Pointsharp and SecMaker join forces with the support of Main Capital

Pointsharp, a Swedish company backed by Main Capital, is on a growth journey towards becoming a leading European Identity and Access Management (IAM) provider. The acquisition of SecMaker is a first step in Pointsharp’s buy-and-build strategy.

SecMaker is a Nordic provider of certificate-based security solutions and has a strong position in the healthcare and public IAM markets. SecMaker protects the digital identity of over 500 000 healthcare professionals in Sweden and 1.8 million users in the Nordics. The company serves customers from offices in Stockholm and Helsinki with an extensive product suite. SecMaker will soon launch the Live iD cloud solution, hosted in Sweden. This will enable European customers to manage their access management and digital identity infrastructure without incurring high upfront costs.

The combined group will be a leading software security provider with more than 1,200 customers. This includes joint clients such as Migrationsverket and Försäkringskassan. The combined offering will be a one-stop-shop for identity and access management.

Niklas Brask (Managing Director of Pointsharp): “We’re really excited at having SecMaker as a partner in building a leading European IT security provider. SecMaker and Pointsharp are both based in Stockholm with similar backgrounds and company cultures. With Main Capital we share the vision of becoming a leading European security software provider.”

Niklas Anderson (Managing Director of SecMaker): “Never before have the threats to IT security been as many and as dangerous as they are today. The need for strong security has increased, especially the need to phase out password- based security systems. All IT systems and the entire business must be involved in a change process. With Pointsharp, we are now developing a complete program that offers IT managers means to avert most security threats.”

Charly Zwemstra (Managing Partner Main Capital): “The combination of Pointsharp and SecMaker creates a leading security software provider in the Swedish market with strong potential for future North-Western European growth. The joint product suites will strengthen the position of both companies as they already share many of the same customers with complementary offerings. Together with the management team of the combined Pointsharp Group we will keep working towards adding further value to the customers through expanding and developing the product offering both organically and by acquisitions in the Nordics, Benelux and DACH regions.”


About Pointsharp

Pointsharp, founded in 2006, enables organizations to secure IT environments with a high-level of control for IT departments combined with an intuitive mobile user experience. Pointsharp has a broad solution offering in the Identity and Access Management market related to multi-factor authentication, secure access, user provisioning and password management. The company serves more than 220 enterprise organizations globally with high security or sensitive data needs in several different market verticals, including finance, governmental, and industrial. Customers include: Volvo, NCC, Karolinska Institutet, Skandia and Audi.

About SecMaker

SecMaker was founded in 2007 and is a leading security provider in complex system environments. The Net iD suite offers strong authentication, digital signature and encryption for enterprise security in both web and mobile applications. SecMaker serves over 1,000 customers across 10 countries with a strong footprint in the healthcare and government sectors. Customers include Arbetsförmedlingen, Försäkringskassan, Region Jämtland Härjedalen, Akerhus Universitetssjukhus, Vaggeryds kommun and Migrationsverket. SecMaker’s 40 employees are based in Stockholm, Sweden and Helsinki, Finland.

About Main Capital Partners

Main Capital is a strategic investor with an exclusive focus on the software sector in the Benelux, DACH and Nordics. Main has a long-term horizon around successful partnerships with management teams, with the aim of building larger software groups together. Main has approximately € 1 billion in assets under management for investments in mature and growing software companies. Within the software sector, Main is the most specialized player in management buyouts and later-stage growth capital for acquisitions. An experienced team of professionals manages these strategic investment funds from offices in The Hague, Düsseldorf and Stockholm.

Main Capital’s current portfolio includes fast growing software and SaaS-software companies such as Paragin (NL, Learning software), FOCONIS (DACH, financial services software), Relyon (NL, fieldservice management), Perbility (DACH, HR software), Pointsharp (SE, Security Software) MACH AG (DACH, government software), Textkernel (NL, HR software), Exxellence (NL, government software), WoodWing (NL, ECM/DAM software), Alfa (SE, healthcare/government software), Optimizers (NL, SCM software), Assessio (SE, HR software), GBTEC (DACH, BPM/GRC software), Onventis (DACH, procurement software), HYPE Innovation (DACH, innovation management software), cleversoft (DACH, RegTech), Enovation (NL, healthcare software), SDB Group (NL, healthcare HR software), Jobrouter (DACH, BPM/WFM software), GOconnectIT (NL, GIS/FSM software), Inergy (NL, BI software), KING Software (NL, ERP/accounting software), Artegic (DACH, marketing software), OBI4wan (NL, social media monitoring software), b + m Informatik (DACH financial services software) and ChainPoint (NL, SCM software).

Successful former companies that grew significantly under Main’s leadership include RVC (NL, healthcare software), Connexys (HR software), Roxit (NL, government software), Axxerion (NL, facilities management software), Ymor (NL, APM software), Onguard (NL, credit management software), Sofon (NL, CRM/CPQ software) and TPSC (NL, healthcare GRC software).

For more information, please contact:

Charly Zwemstra (Managing Partner)
Main Capital Partners B.V.
Paleisstraat 6, 2514 JA, The Hague
+31 (0) 70 324 3433 / +31 (0) 6 5127 7805
charly [at] (charly[at]main[dot]nl)


Press in the Nordics:

Wessel Ploegmakers (Sr. Investment Manager & Co-head Nordics)
Artillerigatan 6, 114 51, Stockholm, Sweden
+46 (0) 73 261 1700
wessel [at] (wessel[at]maincapital[dot]se)


Niklas Brask (CEO Pointsharp)
Östhammarsgatan 68, 115 28, Stockholm, Sweden
+46 (0) 70 738 7370
niklas.brask [at] (niklas[dot]brask[at]pointsharp[dot]com)


Niklas Anderson (CEO SecMaker)
Uddvägen 7, 131 54 Nacka, Sweden
+46 (0) 70 492 98 84
niklas.anderson [at] (niklas[dot]anderson[at]secmaker[dot]com)